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The Empowering Question™

“What people think of as the moment of discovery is really the discovery of the question.”
- Jonas Salk

An Empowering Question begins with How, Who, What, When, Can, Etc.

It engages the Subconscious mind in working towards creative answers and solutions. 

  • The subconscious mind cannot ignore a question.

  • The subconscious mind works 24/7.

  • Do not ask questions what could be answered with Yes or No.

  • There are times and situations where you will use any number of beginning words like, who, what, how, when, can, might, etc.

  • Do you best not to answer the question right away. The idea is to deposit the question in your subconscious mind where, like interest, it is always working, continuously and automatically. By so doing, you have expanded your curiosity and ability to see, here, and create solutions you would not otherwise see.

  • To expand your mind and narrow to your best intention, use bridging words or phrases that you can add to the question once, twice, or multiple times... i.e., “.... in such a way that...” or... “that...” or ... so that...” or “... that will...” or “...to...” or ... “while at the same time...”

  • That said, sometimes the best beginning to the empowering question- if you have the discipline to NOT answer it right then- is the simple “Can I” or “Can we”. The “Can I” questions are the ones that you can build on the most.

For example:

  • “Can we create a unifying vision?”

  • “Can we create a unifying vision in such a way that it will engage all team members?”

  • “Can we create a unifying vision in such a way that it will engage all team members to make more and even better choices?”

  • “Can we create a unifying vision in such a way that it will engage all team members to make more and even better choices so that we are able to move at a faster and more efficient pace?”


Rather than saying “I need to; I have to; I got to;” etc. replace that statement with a question. Your subconscious mind is wired to please you and it gets its prompts from your conscious mind... what you say, do, feel, and think.  When you say I need to, etc. your subconscious mind will work overtime to show you all the reasons “you need to...”. It is focused on the “problem” rather than the “solution”.

However, with a question, properly asked in such a way that you don’t answer it in your conscious mind, that question “empowers” the subconscious mind to focus on solutions rather than the problem.  Consequently, your senses- eyes, ears, feelings, thoughts are directed towards even better, more creative alternatives that you most likely would not have thought, heard, or seen if left to the “I need to, have to, got to” mindset.

The “GOT to Mindset” is heavy... it weighs you down. The Empowering Question is a “GET to Mindset”; it lifts you up. “Got to” comes from scarcity. “Get to” comes from abundance.

The Empowering Question™ begins with an interrogative word such as who, what, when, where, why, and how. It engages the subconscious mind in working towards creative answers and solutions. The subconscious mind can and oft times will ignore a statement. It cannot ignore a question.

For example:  Instead of, “I need to be a better leader.”, and run the risk of your subconscious mind constantly looking for reasons you need to be a better leader, you might ask,

  • “What small step can I take today to become a better leader?” “Who do I know that I could ask to help me become a better leader?” “How might I become a better leader today?” “What specific characteristic of leadership could I focus on today?” ... Etc.

Not always, but an advanced way to begin an Empowering Question is with “Can I...”. The temptation, however, is to answer it... “Of course, I can.” Or “Sure!” Or simply, “Yes.” When you do that, you risk taking it out of the subconscious mind and putting it back into the conscious mind as a statement.

How do you then work with a “Can I” Empowering Question? “Can I” questions are usually looking for the answer to a dilemma.

You leave it alone. Your mind will begin to help you bridge into more clarity around what you are searching for by adding connectors to the end of your question. i.e., that; so that; and; to; in order to; in such a way that; etc.

For example: Instead of “I need to create a board of directors.” 

  • “Can I create a board of directors? This could then evolve and extend the original question to heighten your senses in search of the right answer.

  • “Can I create a board of directors that are independent, yet experienced?”

  • “Can I create a board of directors that are independent, yet experienced- and willing to speak up?

  • “Can I create a board of directors that are independent, yet experienced- and willing to speak up in such a way that they help leadership see around corners in order to accelerate the growth of the company?... and so on.  

Another example of An Empowering Question:

“I need to find someone who will free me up so that I can focus on my unique ability.” Your subconscious will continue to show you all the reasons why. So, build an empowering question that leads you into motion.

Instead of I need to- Start with, “What can I do today to find someone who will ...?”

Or – “Who do I know that could lead me to someone who will...?”

Or- “What is the one thing I can do today, that...?”

To get clarity and really challenge your mind... Start simply with:

“Can I find someone who can free me up?

Let it go... and allow your mind to build on it. i.e., “Can I find someone who has the experience and the leadership that can free me up...” (Then continue to build)

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