What is True Wealth?

I’ve noticed that as I get older, I’ve come to value wisdom, character, and know-how more and more. Some people are skillful and fortunate enough to create financial legacies for their families. Empowered Wealth has given me the opportunity to observe how one’s wisdom, character, and know-how if thoughtfully and intentionally conveyed in the form of teaching, mentoring, and coaching can guide younger generations, regardless of their financial wealth. I’ve been slow to realize that empowering younger people to become the best leaders they can be is the most reliable way to sustain families, organizations, and groups over multiple generations,
The Brower Quadrant Concept, along with Sustainable Prosperity® is a step-by-step process that defines your values regarding True Wealth, helps to instill those values in your posterity, and creates a system for your assets to be optimized.

“We overvalue nonessentials like a nicer car or house or even intangibles like the number of our followers on Twitter or the way we look in our Facebook photos. As a result, we neglect activities that are truly essential, like spending time with our loved ones, or nurturing our spirit, or taking care of our health.”

― Greg McKeown

The Wisdom of Gratitude

How can Gratitude change my life?
- Using the Leadership Principle of Go B.I.G.™

“You have touched my life and I am grateful.”

— Don Roach

“I have a new perspective and knowledge from your insightful presentation.”

— Kim Stanley

"Deliberate gratitude when practiced becomes a light that unconsciously illuminates others, giving them the courage to do the same."

— Lee Brower

What we do… “We build Bridges!”
- Lee Brower

Empowered Wealth Shared Leadership Principles

In what ways would your life improve, if you made decisions today as if you were already the person you want to become tomorrow?
Who you are in your mind is who you eventually become.

What we do is educate, train, mentor, coach, and provoke leaders to become their best future self.
How we do that is through proprietary and collaborative principles, concepts and tools that are delivered through one-on-one training, virtual course work, public speaking, workshops, family and business forwards.
Why? See our 8 Principles of the Empowered Wealth Way™ below

Our 8 Principles of the Empowered Wealth Way:

Go B.I.G.® - Unsinkable Vision™ - Empowered True Wealth™ - Curiosity
Compassion - Accountability - Being Present - Authentic

  • We always begin, respond, and finish in Gratitude.

    True Gratitude heals the wounded, empowers leaders, attracts greater opportunities, and strengthens relationships. It is the catalyst for success, peace, and joy.

    “Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”

  • We live with an unsinkable Vision. Our “Why” is clear, simple, embraceable, and understandable.

    “Everything we do, we believe in empowering leaders in families, in business and in communities… so that they inspire others to enjoy the stability and joy of even better decision making and meaningfulness.”

    Our vision ensures we don’t have too many bad days in a row or get derailed by the haters… or, get overconfident when successful. “Our indefatigable vision allows us to endure through good times and the most challenging times.”

  • We always act based upon principles of True Wealth.

    We are uncompromising when it comes to honoring, protecting, and enhancing the assets we value most—our collective Core, Experience, Contribution, and Financial Wealth. We feel empowered when we say “no” to even the very important because we know what is essential to us, as individuals, our families, our companies, and our clients.

  • We are always Curious.

    As lifelong learners, we relentlessly challenge the status quo and wisely respond proactively to life’s challenges rather than merely accepting or reacting to them.

  • We are genuinely Compassionate with our family members, colleagues, and clients.

    Compassion is kindness and empathy in action. In all cases, we extend our time, energy, and resources to assist and encourage others in resolving challenges and capturing opportunities that empower them to grow and become better leaders.

  • We are Accountable to others and to ourselves.

    We are self-actualizing with clearly established performance metrics. We know what to do, how to do it, and then how to measure it. When we deal in generalities, we shall never succeed. When we deal in specifics, we shall rarely have a failure.

    “Where performance is measured, performance improves. Where performance is measured and reported, the rate of improvement accelerates!”
    –Thomas S. Monson

  • Being present means we lift where we stand.

    We capture precious present moments that build relationships and increase awareness, trust, and joy. We optimize our achievements with steady, well-intended motion. “What small step can I take right this moment, first thing, that will move me closer to my vision for this week, this month, this quarter, and this year?” Past experiences are our best teachers. And, when combined with our clear vision of an inspiring future, we are empowered to enjoy every second in the present. Being willing to fail is considered an integral component of success. We are not afraid to fail, so long as we fail quickly and always learn from the experience. We are quick to learn, but not in such a hurry that we miss the lesson.

  • We are reliably Authentic, consistent, and genuine.

    We find joy in who we are. We lead with well-thought-out, experience-based, and agreed-upon principles that remain constant.

    “Consistent effort is a consistent challenge.”

    - Bill Walsh

Empowered Wealth Tools