THE BROWER QUADRANT Concept focuses on preserving, protecting, empowering, and perpetuating your “True Wealth” for the benefit of future generations – ie. SUSTAINABLE PROSERITY® and Peace of Mind.

THE BROWER QUADRANT Concept, along with SUSTAINABLE PROSERITY® is a step-by-step process that defines your values regarding true wealth, helps to instill those values in your posterity, and creates a system for your assets to be optimized.

The harmonious utilization of each family member's unique abilities can add exponentially to the performance and results for generations to come. Our system recognizes that planning, in its proper role, is truly family leadership supported by an evolutionary, always improving process.

THE BROWER QUADRANT Concept begins with what is most important to you. It encompasses the optimization of your Core, Experience, Contribution, and Financial Assets.

The preservation and empowerment of long-term family wealth is based on the education and behavior of each family member. It is a dynamic process that must be successfully re-energized in each successive family generation (SUSTAINABLE PROSERITY®). We believe that the most important "assets" a family possess are its' individual members. The family's Financial Assets are tools to support the growth of the family's Core, Experience, and Contribution Assets.